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Tax Credit

Renewable energy project economics are increasingly driven by monetization and transfer of tax credits. With tax investment acting as a key tranche of capital or revenue line item, insuring tax credits has become a critical element of project financing.

Powerline works with asset management firms to source tax credit investment for our clients.

Our Expertise

Insuring transferability under the Inflation Reduction Act

With clients continuously looking to accelerate their project timelines, securing all available sources of funding has never been more important. A key piece of this puzzle is tax investment. 

Powerline places tax credit indemnification programs for tax equity partnerships and projects looking to monetize and transfer tax credits in accordance with the terms of the Inflation Reduction Act.

Tax Credit Indemnification

This capital can be indemnified against Treasury Department challenges. We actively insure base level Investment Tax Credits (ITCs), Production Tax Credits (PTCs) and Inflation Reduction Act adders – including wage and apprenticeship, energy communities, and domestic content provisions.

Achieving Financial Close

We work closely with our clients to bring projects to a financial close. This includes leveraging Investment Tax Credits and Production tax credits across the full range of eligible projects, including tax equity bridge loans and interconnection facilities

Work with us

Contact us to discover how we can help with your project.