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Weather Products

Weather is a critical risk factor in renewable energy and other capital intensive projects. Powerline builds insurance packages which cover a wide-range of complex – yet often costly – weather-related events.

Powerline covers a wide-range of  idiosyncratic weather risks.

Our Expertise

We offer several categories of weather-related insurance products.

For renewable energy products, weather is a key factor for both revenue generation and cost management.

Lack of sunshine inhibits both solar production revenues for collocated energy storage assets. For wind farms, wind is a double-edged sword. A lack of wind disrupts product, while an excess of it often hampers project construction efforts.  

Heating degree days, cooling degree days, wind speed, storm pressure and a host of other weather events can be managed via these innovative products.

Weather Derivatives

Structured weather derivatives are payable upon a specified weather event. Dual-triggered weather derivatives are payable based on the combination of a specified weather event and an asset or commodity price falling outside of an agreed range

Parametric Products

Parametric products address tail risk weather events, including windstorms, hailstorms and other natural phenomena that increase risks to property and business interruptions.

Parametrics are used in tandem with core property insurance to fill coverage gaps and offer enhanced limits for business interruption and startup delays.

Work with us

Contact us to discover how we can help with your project.